Rogue Legacy is back! However, it’s also got an extra 2 right in front of it!
Rogue Legacy 2 is described as a genetic Rogue LITE. It comes with the usual features of a rogue-like such as randomized runs and shifting characters. But it also has a persistent upgrade system and perpetual dead heirs. It is a game where grinding isn’t necessary. It is possible to explore an endlessly altering world of the game if your play well. Or don’t! There’s no need to worry! With hardcore platforming mixed with a powerful RPG strategy, anyone can take home a victory ultimately.
What’s not to like about that kind of option? <3
Rogue Legacy 2:
A procedurally-generated adventure. Every single day changes the Kingdom, and no two runs are the same.
Rogue-LITE. Create your own manor, increase your record, and create every child better than the previous. There is a way to win at the level 1 level, but this doesn’t mean that it needs to.
Universal Healthcare. Each child is different. There are some who have Synethesia, others might have a peaceful streak, while some might just be small and fat. Socialism gives you gold bonus points for traits that have higher debilitating consequences than regular gameplay.
Castle Permanence. It’s a roguelike, where bosses stay dead.
Each class has its own set of armaments. Every class is now equipped with their specific set of weapons. You can either take down enemies from far with the bow of the swift ranger or use the enormous Battleaxe that is the Barbarian.
Stack Runes Stack Runes. It will take time, but if you wanted to experience penta jumping or lifesteal, as well as hyperspeed you can!
AND THERE’S A WHOLE LOT More. We’re still working on it as we’d love to keep some secrets hidden in our pockets. :)
This site may be temporary, but Rogue Legacy is forever!
Review by tsunade fucking game