The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe Game Review

Many people wanted to see more endings to The Stanley Parable.
They told us it wasn’t in need of additional information and that was fine. We also told them that the endings were flawless.
It was a sad bag that was full of lies.
We knew it. We knew it were lying but we did it anyway. The shame we’ve carried around throughout the years, an unending burden on our shoulders all the time.
There’s no longer.
Now is the perfect time to correct it and let go of the shame we carry around. We will share our shame with you, so that you’re not ashamed. It’s sickening.
The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe is an extension to its original title, which was made by the same dudes who brought you The Stanley Parable, the Indie award-winning game. It features an increase in content as well as many endings. The story of Stanley and The Narrator, their beloved companion, will be told through more whimsical adventures. In 2019 for PC and consoles.
Tastefully seasoned with the sorrow of having deceived so many loyal fans for many years.
In all seriousness, this time the job is done. It’s done.

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